miercuri, 15 octombrie 2008

I feel tired.

 I feel so damn tired. where are those sunny days when
all i had to do is lie down with a glass of still water and lemon
or with a cup of coffee and look at the sky?
 And i don't know if i am tired phisically. I think it's this
feeling that i have been having for a while , that school
isn't what i want to do. Or at least , here , in romania.
  I've been yearning for the BR meeting since school begun.
And here I am , 2 days before leaving. It's a really nice
feeling , knowing that I am going to meet again all those
peoplethat i fell in love with . I really miss them.
  and the best part is that on saturday night we're havin
a party \:d/. and what i know for sure is that i am
going to be there , that the so-called " soul of the party" paul
is going to be there , that 2 special persons that i am
getting more and more attached to are going to be there,
and now that i think about it more i realise that many
of the people i care about are going to be there. And we're
going to have a great time. I know it for sure. 
  But i still feel tired. Because i am tired of proving who
i really am to people who don't even deserve a look from
me. I deserve more but i have to work for it more and more.
And what i want needs so much time that i'd have to
give up things that i have to do but i don't want to.
  I want to give up. But i still have fiath and ambition and
i am a continous source of creativity and that's why i won't
give up. I have people who believe in me , people who
love me for who i am and who know that i am made of a
a very hard steel that won't torn into pieces at the first
pale of wind.
   I am proud of my first weekend in bucharest. :) It's
going to be magical , sprinkled with lots of pixie-dust
and wonderful people . Add some feelings of friendship,
some memories , some stress , and you'll get the mood.
  It's going to be stresfull ( very early wake up , train
to bucharest , sessions until about 6 in the evening ,
lovely parties and games:X:X:X until i don't know what
hour , wake up early in the morning , bussines planning
session , train back to ploiesti , i might get home or i might
not , because i have LMT classes in the afternoon with one
of the people i just left :) , so it's gonna be stressfull ).
   and that reminds me about how tired i am and how
much i want my own time and a holiday.
   i am going to sleep.
  Good night :)


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